As a former school librarian and children's public librarian, Dr. Naidoo brings his real-world experience to classroom lectures via hands-on activities, interactive readings, and engaging presentations. He teaches required courses for school library media certification and courses in the youth services area of emphasis. Below is a listing of courses that he commonly teaches in various face-to-face, online synchronous, and weekend formats.
Courses Taught
Graduate Courses (Master Level)
LS 520 Early Childhood Literacy Materials & Story Programs
Three hours. Introduces a wide variety of print and non-print early literacy materials for young children ages birth to seven with an emphasis on selecting materials and developing literature-based story programs to meet the educational, cultural, and recreational needs of young children.
LS 521 Materials and Services for Children
Three hours. Explores materials (print and non-print) and library programs appropriate for children ages 6 to 12.
LS 522 Materials and Services for Young Adults
Three hours. Explores materials (print and non-print) and library programs appropriate for teenagers and young adults.
LS 530 Public Libraries
Three hours. Examination of public library development, purpose, governance, and services and exploration of issues and concepts involved in managing public libraries.
LS 541 Youth Programming
Three hours. Explores various types of literacy programs and outreach services for youth (children, tweens, and teens) as well as the development and management of library environments that facilitate life-long learning.
LS 543 Traditional and Digital Storytelling
Three hours. Introduces a wide variety of storytelling techniques both traditional and digital (technology-based) and explores how these strategies can be used in library programs and services for children and young adults. Emphasis is placed on developing personal storytelling skills via technology and traditional resources. A web-cam is required for this course
LS 544 Cultural Diversity Programming for Children, Teens, and Families
Three hours. Introduces established cultural literacy programs such as El día de los niños/El día de los libros (Día) and the American Library Association’s Family Literacy Focus cultural programs. General outreach programs to underserved and culturally diverse populations will be discussed within the context of public and school libraries. Particular emphasis will be placed on incorporating multicultural and international children’s and young adult literature and digital apps into existing library programs and services to promote cultural diversity.
LS 580 Outreach to Diverse Populations
Three hours. Explores diverse cultural groups and the ways that all types of libraries can effectively serve the informational and recreational needs of these populations.
Graduate Courses (Doctoral Level)
LS 620 Graphic Novels in Libraries Serving Youth
Examines the ways in which graphic novels, comics, and other visual narratives serve as engaging and enriching media for contemporary youth (children and young adults); explores the use of these materials in classrooms and libraries to teach information, visual, and cultural literacies; and provides opportunities to explore and critically analyze visual narratives using multiple research methods.
LS 621 Intercultural Perspectives in Children's and Young Adult Literature
Three hours. Addresses cultural stereotypes and issues surrounding cultural authenticity in children’s and young adult literature, and suggests how librarians / educators can help children use literature to make intercultural connections with youth from diverse cultural backgrounds. Provides opportunities to explore diverse perspectives and theories related to selecting, analyzing, and interpreting international and multicultural literature for youth.
Typical Course Rotation for UA SLIS Youth Services Courses (subject to change)
Spring Even Years – 621, 520
Summer Even Years – 543, 522
Fall Even Years – 544, 521
Spring Odd Years – 580, 620
Summer Odd Years – 543, 520*
Fall Odd Years – 522, 541
(*Note that every other summer odd year LS 520 alternates with LS 521. The next offering of LS 521 in the summer would be 2023.) The UA SLIS course rotation schedule for all SLIS courses can be found here.
LS 520 Early Childhood Literacy Materials & Story Programs
Three hours. Introduces a wide variety of print and non-print early literacy materials for young children ages birth to seven with an emphasis on selecting materials and developing literature-based story programs to meet the educational, cultural, and recreational needs of young children.
LS 521 Materials and Services for Children
Three hours. Explores materials (print and non-print) and library programs appropriate for children ages 6 to 12.
LS 522 Materials and Services for Young Adults
Three hours. Explores materials (print and non-print) and library programs appropriate for teenagers and young adults.
LS 530 Public Libraries
Three hours. Examination of public library development, purpose, governance, and services and exploration of issues and concepts involved in managing public libraries.
LS 541 Youth Programming
Three hours. Explores various types of literacy programs and outreach services for youth (children, tweens, and teens) as well as the development and management of library environments that facilitate life-long learning.
LS 543 Traditional and Digital Storytelling
Three hours. Introduces a wide variety of storytelling techniques both traditional and digital (technology-based) and explores how these strategies can be used in library programs and services for children and young adults. Emphasis is placed on developing personal storytelling skills via technology and traditional resources. A web-cam is required for this course
LS 544 Cultural Diversity Programming for Children, Teens, and Families
Three hours. Introduces established cultural literacy programs such as El día de los niños/El día de los libros (Día) and the American Library Association’s Family Literacy Focus cultural programs. General outreach programs to underserved and culturally diverse populations will be discussed within the context of public and school libraries. Particular emphasis will be placed on incorporating multicultural and international children’s and young adult literature and digital apps into existing library programs and services to promote cultural diversity.
LS 580 Outreach to Diverse Populations
Three hours. Explores diverse cultural groups and the ways that all types of libraries can effectively serve the informational and recreational needs of these populations.
Graduate Courses (Doctoral Level)
LS 620 Graphic Novels in Libraries Serving Youth
Examines the ways in which graphic novels, comics, and other visual narratives serve as engaging and enriching media for contemporary youth (children and young adults); explores the use of these materials in classrooms and libraries to teach information, visual, and cultural literacies; and provides opportunities to explore and critically analyze visual narratives using multiple research methods.
LS 621 Intercultural Perspectives in Children's and Young Adult Literature
Three hours. Addresses cultural stereotypes and issues surrounding cultural authenticity in children’s and young adult literature, and suggests how librarians / educators can help children use literature to make intercultural connections with youth from diverse cultural backgrounds. Provides opportunities to explore diverse perspectives and theories related to selecting, analyzing, and interpreting international and multicultural literature for youth.
Typical Course Rotation for UA SLIS Youth Services Courses (subject to change)
Spring Even Years – 621, 520
Summer Even Years – 543, 522
Fall Even Years – 544, 521
Spring Odd Years – 580, 620
Summer Odd Years – 543, 520*
Fall Odd Years – 522, 541
(*Note that every other summer odd year LS 520 alternates with LS 521. The next offering of LS 521 in the summer would be 2023.) The UA SLIS course rotation schedule for all SLIS courses can be found here.